How To Make A Pareto Chart In Power BI | Stratada

How To Make A Pareto Chart In Power BI How To Make A Pareto Chart In Power BI | Stratada " Pareto Chart " or "Pareto Analysis" was introduced by a famous economist "Vilfredo Pareto". Pareto chart is a bar chart for ranking aspects of the problem. Typically only a few aspects make up a significant portion of the problem while many trivial aspects exist. Training on Stratada in Washington by Advance Innovation Group, helps you understand one of the most useful 7 QC tools called Pareto. It is based on Pareto principals which are also known as 80/20 principal. According to that principle, 20% of our problems lead to other 80% of the problem or defects so rather than concentrating on 80% of our problems. Or if we talk about economy 80% of the wealth in the hands of about 20% of the people. Similarly, a large percentage of errors or defects in any process is usually due to few problems. Pareto principle helps you to identify those significant vital problems so ...